Monday, July 22, 2013

Stupid Laws

    Stupid Laws in Singapore

    1.    It is against the law to speak to a donkey in Chinese.

    2.    Cigarettes are illegal at all public places.

    3.    It is illegal to walk around in your own house naked.

    4.    Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay.

    5.    Eating raw fish while lecturing on Science is illegal.

    6.    Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country.

    7.    If you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying,” I am a litterer.” This will then be broadcaster on the local news.

    8.    It is considered an offense to enter the country with cigarettes.   

    9.    it’s illegal to carry a Bible or to talk to anyone about Jesus Christ.

    10.  The sale of chewing gum is prohibited.

    11.  Bungee jumping is illegal.

    Stupid Laws in Indonesia

    1.   Anyone found guilty of masturbation may be decapitated.

    2.   It is against the law to not flush the toilet after using it. Special police randomly check on public restrooms and violators are publicly caned.

    3.   No woman is allowed to be taller than her husband – if necessary she must chop off a section of her legs.

    Stupid Laws in Denmark

    1.   Any carport added to building increases the value of the building by 15.5 times the cost of building the carport

    2.   Attempting to escape from prison is not illegal; however, if a person is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term.

    3.   Before starting your car you are required to check lights, brakes, steering and honk your horn. You must also do a visual check to make sure there are no children sleeping underneath the car.

    4.   Headlights must be on whenever a vehicle is being operated in order to distinguish it from parked cars.

    5.   If a horse drawn carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse becomes uneasy, the owner of the car is required to pull over and if necessary, cover the car.

    6.   If a person finds a lost child they can claim the child as their own is a parent does not turn up within 2 hours.

    7.   If the Oresund strait freezes and a Swede walk over to Denmark, Danes are allowed to him with a stick.

    8.   If your vehicle breaks down and you leave it on the side of the road, you must mark the vehicle with a red, reflecting triangle.

    9.   It is illegal for women to wear wigs.

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